Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bath Time Follies!

Just thought I'd do a quick post about the girls and their bathtime last night. Usually I give them separate baths - but last night I tried giving them one at the same time.

Aubrey started first and then after I washed her hair I let most of the water out but left just enough for Molly to lay in.

Oh my - what a hoot! I've never seen them interact with each other quite that much. They were both laughing so much and so loud. If you really get Aubrey going - her laugh is something pretty special - but Molly she's only 5 months and her giggles have been pretty few and far between and they are usually pretty quiet. Not last night. She had a great time watching Aubrey bop around the tub and thought it was hysterical when Aubrey would crawl around/on her. Aubrey would then feed off of Molly's laughs and would get even more excited.

It was so cute and really more efficient too!

Thats all for now


Heather said...

What a great night! usually it is the simple things that are the most memorable and precious.

Anonymous said...

Save some giggles for grandma for this weekend.

Sunshine said...

Elise It is so nice to meet you and your family! For the past week I've been researching Angelman Syndrome. I've just joined angelmanforum.org but am waiting approval by a moderator, so I can't contact you there yet. My son Jack is so much like Aubrey!! I'm still in shock over AS because Jack was diagnosed with CP at one year of age due to PVL he experienced in the womb. However, he looks like an AS kid. It is uncanny. He moves and acts like Aubrey. When I saw the video of Aubrey eating her first birthday cake everything about it reminded me of Jack. I could picture Jack in her place. The ataxia, the way she moves, the happiness, the excitability, the rubbing it in her hair and eyes like you were talking about, that's Jack! We're awaiting an appointment for genetic testing. I would love to chat with you sometime!