Monday, October 20, 2008

Aubrey Update

Well - everything is pretty status quo here.

Aubrey is still hooked up on an IV for fluids. She hasn't had any food or drink - hopefully she can start those tomorrow.

We have talked to the GI specialist and he's put a hold on 3 of the 5 medicines she typically takes as they may be causing and/or aggravating the pancreantitis. He ordered a CT scan and additional blood work. The CT scan will be tomorrow under some anethstesia so Aubrey can't move.

She's still quarantined to her room. Her mood is pretty good considering the fact that's she's been out of the crib only a few time today. We gave her a bath and then I've had to cuddle a couple of times with her!

I think tomorrow will be much better - we'll hopefully get more answers, try some real food and take her for a walk in the hallway or go play in the toy room.

Thank you for all our friends and family for helping with Molly!

That's all for now

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hang in there. I wish there was something we could do. We are praying.