Thursday, March 12, 2009

Aubrey's Getting Braces......and NO not on her teeth!

We just got back from the Pediatric Orthopaedic doctor this morning - add it to the the list!


Pediatrician - general health
Neurologist - for seizure control
Urologist - for kidney reflux
Gastro Intestinal - for the Pancreantitis scare
and now Pediatric Orthopaedist - for her ankles rolling in when standing and walking.

Anyway - Aubrey's Physical Therapist was getting concerned with how her ankles were rolling inward while standing and cruising in her walker. She referred us to an Orthopedist for further guidance. This morning we waited for about 30 minutes in one of the tiniest doctor's offices we've been in with both girls getting antsy and ornery! Then in a matter of 5 minutes we talked to a resident, the doctor, and someone named Jill?!

During this 5 minutes they determined that Aubrey would likely benefit from wearing a type of foot/ankle brace for support and to keep her feet properly aligned.

They took her measurements and told us they'd have them in 2 weeks for her.

After the excruciating wait - it happened all so fast - it seemed odd at the time - but hey - if they think it will help Aubrey -we're on board!

Here's a link to the specific orthotic device they recommended:

Hopefully Aubrey will take to them well. I know how much she likes plastic, velcro, and any type of strap or tag - - so I just hope that she won't be extra distracted by them and want to try and chew on her foot all day!!

Ultimately, we hope it will provide her the ability to become more balanced - which we feel is the one thing that's really holding her back from independently stand and walk.

We'll see!!

That's all for now - - - I promise - more pictures will be coming soon!

1 comment:

Paula said...

My daughter was just fitted for braces this past Thursday.