Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Molly Update

So much of my time on this blog is spent giving updates on Aubrey, that I felt Molly should get her own post!! She will turn one on May 7th - - I can't believe how fast time flies!

She's crawling, cruising, and just last week took 14 steps un-assisted!!! She still prefers to crawl around -but she's up standing and testing her walking abilities more and more each day!

She also has been experimenting with her sounds. She'll jabber to herself -and try and repeat what you say to her. She will say mama, ball, uh oh, and said no at daycare last week.

Here are some pictures of her lately - I'll try and post a video of her walking as soon as I can!


Paula said...

Very cute little girl!

Pam said...

Molly is such a cutey, give her a big hug on her birthday next Thursday. Love, gma and gpa McGill

Erin Sheldon said...

Molly is gorgeous! Maggie and Ella had the same purple outfit (from Target?). Its so healing having a second child who is developing all the normal milestones, isn't it? At a year old, Ella had just completely passed Maggie on her development but they are so close still. Ella was walking early but didn't have her first word until the day before she turned one so I was panicked! As both girls have gotten older, I can see how similar Ella and Maggie really are, even though they don't look a bit alike. Both my girls are very physically active, inquisitive and not much on talking. => Rob and I are about the only ones who know Ella as a chatterbox since she's painfully shy with everyone else. Its so fun to see their similarities. Like you, I have to remember to update on Ella too. It has only gotten better as the girls mature.